
Family Medicine

Family Medicine

Family Medicine services offered in Huntington Beach, CA

Family medicine is a wonderful way to ensure you and your loved ones receive the best possible care. It’s also an area of specialty for the team at Tulsi Wellness Club, a functional and holistic medicine practice in Newport, California. To explore these services in greater detail, book a visit online at your earliest convenience, or call to check appointment availability.

Family Medicine Q & A

What are the benefits of family medicine? 

Family medicine focuses on meeting the routine health needs of people of all ages. It relies on scientifically-based diagnostic and treatment tools and acknowledges the role family traditions and routines have in shaping each family member’s health and wellness.   


When you rely on a family medicine health practice, you ensure that every family member receives the same outstanding care. You also reap the benefits of a practitioner who understands your role within your family.    


The ability to book all of your family members’ medical appointments at the same office saves you time and effort. You can even set up your visits so that more than one family member is seen on the same day, reducing trips to the office.  

What kinds of services are available within family medicine?

Family medicine encompasses all of the routine health needs you face as you move through the phases of life. Preventive health is always a central focus. By working to reduce your risk of disease, you can stave off the discomfort, expense, and risks associated with serious medical conditions.    


When issues arise, acute care (sick visits) focuses on determining the cause of your symptoms and getting you on a fast path toward relief. This especially comforts parents who want to see their sick or injured child feel better as quickly as possible. 


Some of the areas of focus within family medicine include:


  • Fertility care 
  • Pediatric care
  • Menopause support
  • Women’s health
  • Men’s health


For those with one or more forms of chronic disease, chronic care management offers a way to improve their quality of life. The focus is also on reducing the risk of adverse health outcomes associated with your specific form of chronic disease. 

What if I need to see a specialist? 

Occasionally, you may need to work with a medical specialist. Examples include orthopedic surgery, obstetrics, and cancer treatment. When these needs arise, your primary care provider helps you find the right specialist.

While receiving specialized care, the team remains in contact with your extended care providers to ensure continuity of care and an accurate personal medical record.   


If you have questions about how family medicine might fit your needs, call today to schedule a visit, or spend a few moments on the online booking page to find a time that fits your schedule.