
Chronic Care Management

Chronic Care Management

Chronic Care Management services offered in Huntington Beach, CA

If you have one or more forms of chronic disease, chronic care management can make a huge difference in how you feel and function daily. These services are available through the care of the team at Tulsi Wellness Club, a functional and holistic medicine practice serving Newport, California. If you’d like more information, booking a visit takes moments online or over the phone.

Chronic Care Management Q & A

What is chronic disease? 

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, chronic diseases are conditions that last one year or longer, limit daily activities, or require ongoing medical care. Chronic diseases are the number one cause of disability and death in the United States. They’re also a huge factor in health care costs.   


Chronic diseases make it challenging for individuals to meet the obligations of career, family, and community. They limit how you move through each day and often shorten your natural lifespan.


Some of the more common forms of chronic disease include:


  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Depression
  • Osteoporosis
  • Thyroid disease
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Celiac disease
  • Chronic kidney disease


These are just a few conditions that fall under the umbrella of chronic disease.

What is involved in chronic care management? 

At Tulsi Wellness Club, chronic care management is a highly personalized process. No one shares your specific experience of chronic disease, so a one-size-fits-all approach is never the preferred solution.    


The team works closely with you to determine the best treatment path for your needs. This begins with a comprehensive physical assessment and lab testing to understand better how your body functions. The information gleaned from this process lets the team create a customized chronic disease management plan.


Medications might play a role in treating your chronic disease. It takes time to assess how your body responds to medications, and a period of trial and error is often the best way to find the right drug therapy approach. Let your practitioner know if you notice any positive or negative changes.  

How can lifestyle modifications factor into chronic care management? 

It is difficult to overstate the power of lifestyle choices in shaping your chronic disease experience. Researchers believe that just four factors bring on most chronic health conditions:


  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Tobacco use
  • Poor diet
  • Excessive alcohol use


Improving these areas can do wonders for improving how your body feels and functions. Your practitioner works with you to find ways to make meaningful and sustainable lifestyle improvements that yield impressive results.


When you’re ready to get started, call the office to schedule a visit or book an appointment using the easy online scheduling page.